Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

It was great!

Main bmx ternyata ga semudah yg kita bayangkan, Oh God. It was terrible. But, I try to do my best. And Alhamdulillah aku bisa sedikit satu putaran, hweheheheh. Itu mungkin ga ada artinya buad anda sekali, but for me . . . . It was GREATTT.!!

Finally I can do that, yah walaupun at least I was falling down dan dada.ku jatuh pas di Handle bar. Damn it.!! I felt pain in my chest. >.< IT HURTSSS.!!
Saat aku pulang langsung lari ke kamar mandi buad bersihin badan dan eh . . . ada goresan red color on my chest, with a little blood.
Hm.. Okay, I think it's okay.
Tapi setelah itu semua berjalan dengan baik, sampai sekarang. Yah, walaupun all my feet full of wounds. Tapi aku bisa sedikit lebih baik dari pertama main. Yeahhh, I'll be better. :D

Senin, 16 Mei 2011


Lauhil Fatihah is her name, I always call her with add ''mbak'' as first word before the name. yeah, that's javaness rule. When we call the older people or elder sister and elder brother we always give ''mbak'' or ''mas''.

Lauhil is my partner since I was born, she always takes care of me. She's like my friend, but sometimes she can be my bestfriend, the one who I tell everything, till enemy. hhahaha
I was playing skateboard because of her, she told me everything. But, I can't play it well. After 4 months Lauhil moves to BMX, I follow her to play BMX too. She's playing freestyle BMX and I'm playing flatland BMX.
 We're just like a great partner, I love her more than anyone. After mom and dad I mean :D

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011


Hey, its my new blog. Cause I got a trouble with my old blog. hhaha, this is my new one and I'll be keeping it save. First, I don't know what languange that I have to use. Indonesian? English? But, because I'm Indonesian and I have a lot of friends in abroad so I'll using Billingual Languange :D
So, let me tell u who I am. My name's Evo, I have a great full name that everybody will not believe in me. hhaha. Namaku adalah Fatikhaturrohmah. It's religius but I loved it. hhahha

I'm playing flatland bmx since April 2011. Eventhough I was playing skateboard a few years ago. 'cause I wanna do something new, I don't know why. But, aku berfikir bahwa I don't have any skill in skateboard. That's too difficult for me, I know that everyone said ''bermain itu memang tidak mudah, but u have to try hard n u'll get the result.'' In the first time, that's emang sangat susah. Hampir putus asa but I try it all over again. Finally I can do that. [yeah, although that needs a long time.hehe]. Aku sudah bertekat, I think i'll better if I play bmx. I know that all my friends will not be good for me [like I ever experienced]. But I believe in my self that I'll do it with full of power and hope of course. Aku janji bakal be better dan ga akan mengecewakan everyone.

Dan ternyata playing bmx sangatlah greattttt.!!! I liked it. Yah, walaupun aku hanya bisa sedikit demi sedikit [kasarannya basic trick lah]. Tapi itu sudah cukup membuat kakiku merasakan nikmatnya jatuh. Hahahahah.